Being Discalced Carmelites Today (Charismatic Declaration of the Teresian Carmel)
Who are we as Discalced Carmelites? How can we truthfully and comprehensibly describe our identity, our way of life, and our mission in the Church in today’s world? “Who am I?” is the question that every man and woman has asked themselves and continues to ask in our time. In the context of today’s globalized world in which everything appears fragile and ephemeral, in which securities and stable points of reference are lacking, and in which everything seems subject to constant change, we, too, want to take our reality into our own hands in order to better understand who we are and what we are called to be.
The Teresian Carmel begun by Saint Teresa of Jesus in the wake of the ancient religious family of Carmel now has a long and fruitful history. Over time it has spread throughout the world and has taken on different forms and styles, incarnating itself into a multiplicity of cultures. The diversity present in the today’s reality of the Order in terms of origin, culture, formation, sensitivity and activities leads us to give thanks for the fruitfulness of our charism, but at the same time, it asks us to foster fidelity to the perennial elements of the charism and to the unity of our family, drawing on the common spirit that constitutes us in a single body.
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